Campaign Manager - Best Practice Guides

Best Practice - iLoader - Strategies For Loading Data


This guide describes iLoader best practice in a number of areas including logging, indexation, data engineering and update strategies. It does not replace the iLoader help file or the formal iLoader training course but provides some useful insight into some best practices in those areas.

NOTE: There are a number of key items that should be considered when formulating a load strategy for a Campaign Manager system. For example, there is a strict process that should be followed when pausing Campaign Manager campaigns prior to a nightly load, please also refer to the Campaign Manager 6.0 Load Process Guide for further information.

Anyone intending to use iLoader should first attend a formal Alterian training course.

Getting Started

Database Column Definitions

As part of database design, it is important to know information about the data to be loaded and to optimize the data loading options especially around the subject indexing. In the past, administrators of an Engine databases have not given this area the attention and to some extent, have not had the tools to do so. As data volumes grow and client's requirements for minimizing downtime increases, the time taken for the load process is increasingly being scrutinized to achieve the goals of:

  • Minimizing system down time for data load processes.
  • Minimizing disk footprint.
  • Maximizing performance

The following sections are aimed at Engine Database Administrators, both experienced and new, to act as a resource for making the key decisions to achieve optimal balance of load and performance. Administrators can positively impact on storage, performance and load down time, by taking time to learn options and apply the correct one.

Data Update Strategies

This section is intended as a guide for Engine administrators planning an iLoader Load Strategy that makes use of Append and Update functionality to reduce the overhead of doing a full data refresh, with the aim of reducing load times.

The recommendations and examples outlined in this document below are based on a series of benchmark tests performed by Alterian using a combination of real customer data and manufactured data. As every Engine database is different in terms of data shape and schema design, use this document as a general guide for formulating a load strategy that is best suited to your own database.

If you have any specific issues or problems, please contact your Alterian partner representative.


In Campaign Manager 6.0 when a new Campaign key is created, a set of system tables is created automatically to hold the Campaign History Data for the campaigns associated with that key.

These tables should not be deleted or altered as they are the basis of the Campaign Dashboards in the Campaign Manager application.

These tables are updated 24/7 while Engine is up via a backend mechanism that is not available for other tables. See the Scheduling Loads section below for further information.

Date, Time and DateTime fields cannot be used as Update Keys on Tables.

Data Engineering on Changing Data

This subject is covered in detail in the Best Practice Guide Data Engineering in Campaign Manager and Engine. It is recommended that you read this document as this release contains new functionality that will impact your data engineering strategy. A high-level summary is provided here, concentrating on data engineering performed by iLoader via the overnight load.

Scheduling Loads

It is common practice for partners to schedule the load of data into an Engine repository.

There are a number of options available:

  • Schedule iLoader directly using command line switches.
  • Create a script that calls iLoader and schedule the script.
  • Use an ETL tool (Pentaho Kettle is Alterian’s preferred tool).

All approaches are valid and used by Alterian customers.


It can be easier to control the different phases of loading if BATCH scripts are used to call iLoader.

Calling Campaign Manager API Methods From iLoader

The following syntax is used to call Campaign Manager API Methods from within iLoader:

CALLCMAPI <methodname> e.g. CALLCMAPI RunDocument

If you encounter issues using this syntax e.g. 'msxml3.dll: The download of the specified resource has failed', then you can prefix the method name with an underscore character to use a different technique to call the method

e.g. CALLCMAPI _RunDocument

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